This website is dedicated to my professional interests. As the website builds, you will see that I have special interests in multiple sclerosis, stroke, dizziness and balance disorders, dementia as well as clinical research, teaching and general neurology legal reviews.
I have begun a blog to inform newly diagnosed patients about multiple sclerosis. Too often, people diagnosed with MS are left up to their own devices to learn about their illness. This is less than ideal.
Time permitting, I plan another blog to discuss outcomes of other neurological disorders for patients and their families. There is much that patients need to know and little time for their neurologists to inform them.
In my experience, depression and anxiety are poorly understood but affect many neurological patients. Mental illness in general is poorly handled by our society. As this website builds, I plan to add resources on depression and anxiety for physicians and their patients.
Covid 19 Portrait
Next Steps…
Please contact me if you are interested in my services or learning more about me.