Covid19 Convalescent Plasma Donor Information

You have (at some point) tested positive for the Covid 19 virus. People who test positive for the Covid 19 virus are believed to have been infected with this virus whether or not you have had symptoms of infection.

During your infection with Covid 19, your body responds and fights the infection by making antibodies to the virus. Antibodies are proteins in your blood which can attach to the virus and help your immune system neutralize the virus infecting you. These antibodies help you to recover from your infection. These antibodies remain in your blood for several months to help you from getting infected with this virus a second time.

Currently, there is not a vaccine to prevent infection with Covid19, nor any medications available that have been proven to treat this infection. However, there is some evidence that plasma (the liquid in your blood) which contains antibodies against Covid19 can be given to another person actively infected with Covid 19 and that the antibodies from your plasma against Covid 19 will help neutralize the virus in this person sick from Covid 19 infection and may help him or her to recover from their infection. This plasma is called Covid 19 Convalescent Plasma (C19CP).

Donating your plasma can potentially help other people infected with Covid19.

The Broward Medical Reserve Corps is working with OneBlood, our local not for profit blood bank to help expedite the collection of Covid 19 Convalescent Plasma.

The criteria for C19CP donation include:

  1. an initial positive test to prove that your illness was caused by Covid 19;
  2. you have been symptom free for at least 14 days since your infection
  3. you are medically healthy enough to donate C19CP.

If you qualify, the next step is to go online to to learn how and where to donate.

Before OneBlood collects your plasma, one of their “prescreeners” will call you to ask more questions about your health to make sure that you understand what they are going to do and to make sure that you are healthy enough to donate.

The collection of C19CP involves placing a single needle in your arm, removing some of your blood through this needle into a machine that separate the blood cells in your blood from the liquid (plasma) in your blood, and then returns the blood cells back into your body through the same needle.

Risks of donating C19CP will be explained by the blood bank before or at the time of your donation.

Once your plasma is obtained, it will be tested for the presence of antibodies to Covid 19, your blood type, as well as several other possible infections. OneBlood is required by law to report positive tests for some of these infections to the Florida Department of Health.

Designated Recipient: Before donating your plasma, you may specify that your plasma be given to a specific person sick with Covid 19 in a specific hospital if C19CP is ordered by the physician taking care of this person. Your plasma will be checked by OneBlood to make sure it will not react adversely with the blood cells of the person you wish it to be given to. If your plasma can not be given to the person you designate, that person will receive the next available C19CP from another donor whose C19CP is compatible with your designated recipient.

If there is not a specific person you wish to donate your plasma to, OneBlood will send your C19CP to the next hospital which orders C19CP for one of its patients. If your C19CP is not emergently needed, it will be frozen for emergency use as needed in the future.

Please remember that you can donate more than once. If you are healthy, you may be able to donate more frequently that every 28 days. Please contact OneBlood when you are ready to donate again.

For more information, or if you have difficulty in contacting OneBlood, please call the BMRC for help through the Broward County Medical Association at 954.714.9477.

What should I do if I want to donate C19CP?

  1. Get official paper results of your initial Covid 19 positive test
  2. Go online to for more information about how and where to donate
  3. If you or your doctor are unable to go on line, contact the Broward Medical Reserve Corps by phone through the Broward County Medical Association at 954.714.9477.

Frequently asked questions:

Who will see my personal information and health data? The staff responsible for your C19CP donation at OneBlood.

Where will my personal data be stored? At OneBlood, your personal information and health data will be stored on a computer in a secure software system. It will be accessed on a “need to know” basis only.

Will my personal information and health data be used for any other purpose?            Researchers at the Mayo Clinic are studying the effects of C19CP on patients with Covid 19 infection. Many local hospitals are part of the Mayo Clinic Protocol to expedite C19CP use for patients who need it.

Will donating C19CP help me in any way? Donating C19CP will not help you but may help other people infected with Covid 19.

Will I be paid for my time? No.